I’d humbly like to thank all the players in 2013 who responded to my through the mail efforts. Your sincere kindness has not been forgotten. It is my honor to could have your autograph in my collection. I’ve had 4 or 5 concussions during my lifetime, and now I genuinely worry about my memory and general mindset. I hope that what I collect and share here helps others, and grants me the peace of knowing that  this all won’t be forgotten. I know that it seems trivial, but for some of us fans and former players who love the sport and remember those moments in time, there’s nothing greater than an autograph that symbolizes it.

92  ATT          58  RSP        .630  PCT

udldg97 craigto83 jaworskipac91 beebeaprks90 montgomeryscan0001to71 nobisutud11 er koy ATAto63 gromanpset90 howleyAP90 reasonsudlgd97 foutsap91 mccaffreypset89 l jamesdor&s09 delhommeto81 stablerpset89 walshaprks92 kellyspics92 vincentUFLTNT10 Crouchsco90 majkowski HGap90 bentleytnt11-grayto04 millercla91 flannerysky92 dickersonultwlaf92 baneswcwlaf92 rossult92 watsonult92 fletcherult92 moorerpset91 sanchopsetwlaf91 gtaylorjo95 hessTNTUFL11 Greenpset91 walkeraprks90 butlerpset91 don matthewswcwlaf92 hopkinspoff01 biakabutukault92wlaf jason garrettutud11 ted koy 69pline93 baxterflr90 zendejasspics92 israrelto80 renfrotosc92 orlandospics91 donnalleypla09 nelsonpset90 athompson MAXdor&s10 hmillerto12insp jj watttnt11 clarettpp00 salexander bpsetwlaf91 ricead10 adavisto91 lloyd

Celebrating the game, the players, the cards, and the autographs for over 25 years.