I’d humbly like to thank all the players in 2015 who responded to my through the mail efforts. Your sincere kindness has not been forgotten. It is my honor to could have your autograph in my collection.  I look fondly upon those days of old with leagues long forgotten, like the WLAF and USFL. I remember making the drive down the highway some 50 miles to watch games, but more important, bond with a father I barely knew. I know that it seems trivial, but for some of us fans and former players who love the sport and remember those moments in time, there’s nothing greater than an autograph that symbolizes it.

101 ATT          68  RSP        .680  PCT

pset89 bosworthwcwlaf92 dholmesto90 brennanjogo95 ismithpsetwlaf91 cwilsonud92 cwilliamsflr90 ellardwcwlaf92 witkowskiutud11 worster 70pset92 grayaprks91 croelsco91 mcgeeultwlaf92 mbrowntntncaa johnwalkerdor&s10 emanningsco89 gentryUTUD11 PGarderepset90 millard dpotypsetwlaf91 tucker LLflr90 butleraprks90 barnettto97 bishoppsetwlaf91 bsignflr90 lwashingtonpset90 jdwilliamspsetwlaf91 mjonestntufl11 greisenultwlaf92 wwilsonpset90 mcdanielflr90 spencertnt15 breecepp96 tglennaprks91 jcampbellud081st vrabelutud11 feller 6970udlgd97 lillysco09 dmcfadden Fpsetwlaf91 gfrankad10 ajhawkudlgd97 amanningpoff92 birdenaprks92 chawkinsult92 vfloydAMAD91 Parcellssa14 ahurnsud09 wdunnpset90 stamscla92 tjeter blpsetwlaf91 dphillipsdor&s10 kwalter longultwlaf92 jmilleraprks92 sstacypset90 emartinto70 jleviasflr90 elockharttntufl11 jgarciautud11 dontalbertpset89 kstoufferultwlaf92 rlossowdor&s09 agonzalez laprks90 edavispset90 mlansfordto12 cbarwinflr95 mhaynesudut11_mbaabud12 kcousins SRpsetwlaf91 lcarr

Celebrating the game, the players, the cards, and the autographs for over 25 years.
