Cards: Playoff Contenders 2005, SP Gameused Edition 2004 #055/100
Acquired: 2020, COMC
See Also: Domanick Davis
I am a real big fan of Domanick and I am very unabashed about the fact that if he didn’t suffer a catastrophic knee injury we’d be talking about his incredible career in retrospect today. Whenever people discuss on social media getting a Texan back in their prime during the current day or what if’s of players cut down in their prime by injury, I’m always the smart Alec in the back who brings up Davis.
I had picked up a certified a few years ago of him, and as prices have subsided early on due to the COVID pandemic, I found an incredible deal on a patch card of his from this SP set I really enjoy, as well as this Playoff Contenders that I thought would make a nice addition.