This page lets you know about the current names I’ve had responses from and events that I attended. It also tells you about the things currently going-on in my life related to my quest for autographs, trading cards, and football. If you have questions or want to get in touch with me, the best way to find me is through Twitter or on
2.970 -2018
3,333 -2019 (+363)
3,826- 2020 (+493)
4,228- 2021 (+402)
4,869- 2022 (+641)
5,202- 2023 (+333)
5,408- 2024 (+206)
12/7/24- Slow start to the month so I injected some certified Ebays I needed from Score 2009: NATHAN BROWN and KEENAN BURTON! +2
12/12/24- It’s been a slow month so I busted a box of UFL 2024. As I am loathe to purchase e-packs, especially expensive ones, I was happy to pull autographs of ALEX MOLLETTE and DARRIUS SHEPHERD. +2
12/16/24- TYREE JACKSON signed TTM and included a nice note! +2
12/19/24- Really happy as I was able to get DESMOND HOWARD TTM on my Pro Set 1990 MVP Art Card after about 6 months! +1
12/20/24- Busted another box of the UFL 24 and pulled JORDAN TA’AMU and VONTAE DIGGS! +2
12/21/24- An actual certified autograph of DESHAUN WATSON came in today! +1
12/23/24- Today I got in former Dallas Cowboy TOMMIE AGEE! +2
12/24/24- A few Ebay pickups came in of MIKE GOODSON, RASHAD JENNINGS, and FREDDIE BARNES! +3
12/27/24- A little late on the crown jewel of the year but here’s JOHN STALLWORTH signing his Upper Deck Legends card TTM! +1
12/28/24- Got a CASE COOKUS autograph today from a UFL epack! +1
1/3/25- First success in 2025 comes from UFL QB QUINTEN DORMADY on his custom card! +1
1/4/25- Pulled a few Epacks of Upper Deck UFL and got BRAD WING! +1
1/6/25- Today I received in a TTM from MIKE KAFKA, and I pulled in a trade on Upper Deck’s Epack site for an autograph from DELONTAE SCOTT. +2
1/7/25- I continued to make moves on Upper Deck’s Epack site by wheeling and dealing until I was able to get a green parallel redemption card of DARIUS VICTOR! +1
1/8/25- Pulled BREELAND SPEAKS from an Epack, then worked another deal trading an extra Vontae Diggs in exchange for KAI NACUA! +2
1/10/25- TRADE! In exchange for an extra Darrius Shepherd and Alex Mollette I got JOE WALLACE and JONTRE KIRKLIN! +2
1/11/25- First calendar to calendar success clocked in today with DEREK RUSSELL snagging the first TTM of 2025! +4
1/12/25- Wow. Someone decided to make my day and offered me a trade. I couldn’t believe it but they offered me an autographed FRANK GINDA for an ecard. I’ll take it! +1
1/17/25- BRYAN HINKLE signed TTM from way back in 2023 today! +4
1/18/25- Wow! Pulled an autograph of AMARI RODGERS and a rare 3x autograph of DELONTAE SCOTT/DAVIN BELLAMY/ADAM RODRIGUEZ from UD Epacks today! +4
1/19/25- Pulled an AVERY GENNESY and a dual autograph of MARQUETTE KING/ BRAD WING today from UFL 24! +3
1/20/25- In a wild day I was proposed a trade for my 3x autograph. After deliberating I traded it away for EJ PERRY, HAKEEM BUTLER, CODY LATTIMER, DONALD PAYNE, and MATT COBURN II, netting me 2. Then I wheeled and dealed some more trading away an extra Breeland Speaks and Joe Wallace for KYAHVA TEZINO and TOBY JOHNSON! I was able to combine the base set gold again for another green redemption, which turned out to be another BREELAND SPEAKS!+5
1/21/25- TRADE! Today I sent an extra Amari Rodgers I had for DJ DANIELS! Then I pulled a duo autograph of BREELAND SPEAKS and PITA TAUMOEPENU! +3
1/22/25- A nice twofer in the mail today from SCOTT FULHAGE (DEC 23) and JON KITNA (2024)! +7
1/23/25- After engineering a series of trades to complete out another UFL gold set, I redeemed it for a HAKEEM BUTLER green parallel card, then I pulled an autograph of TREY QUINN! +2
1/24/25- TRADE! Sent the duo autograph of Breeland and Pita for MARK THOMPSON and JUSTIN HALL. Then I pulled off a trade to get a PITA TAUMOEPENU autograph! Later in the evening I sent an extra Donald Payne autograph packing for JONATHAN ADAMS! +2
1/25/25- Well this month is coming slowly to an epic conclusion due to the wheeling and dealing I’ve done on Upper Deck. Today I combined the UFL gold set again, and I redeemed it for a LUIS PEREZ green parallel card. Afterwards I was able to complete out the UFL white set for the first time. I was very excited as the reward is a random printer plate autograph- which also turned out to be LUIS PEREZ! +2
1/27/25- GARIN VERIS signed TTM today! +2
1/28/25- Traded away an extra Kai Nakua and a glossy card for FRANCIS BERNARD! +1
1/29/25- Pulled a duo autograph of J’MAR SMITH and AMARI RODGERS! +2
1/30/25- Multiple trades today as I was able exchange an extra Breeland Speaks green parallel for KAI NAKUA green parallel. Then I turned around and traded away an extra of Francis Bernard and Toby Johnson for MARK THOMPSON’s base autograph card! +2
1/31/25- Closed out January with an autograph from JAMAAL CHARLES in person! +1
2/1/25- ROBERT MEACHEM starts out the month with a TTM success! +2
2/3/25- I was able to pull off a trade sending a stack of base cards to another collector in exchange for STEVEN GONZALEZ! +1
2/4/25- A TTM came through from former WLAF punter CHRIS MOHR! +2
2/5/25- Another TTM success for calendar year ’25 in RB/KR MEL GRAY! +3
2/6/25- Opened up some packs of UFL 24 and landed another triple autograph with FRANK GINDA, DJ DANIEL and KYAHVA TEZINO on it! Then I redeemed a set of cards for a DELONTAE SCOTT printers plate! +4
2/7/25- TRADE! Sent another extra Breeland Speaks autograph packing to add DAVIN BELLAMY to the collection! +1
2/9/25- TRADE! I closed out the rest of the UFL autographs I needed by trading away a 1/1 Black Alex Mollette for autographs of SAL CANNELLA, MARQUETTE KING, MARK GILBERT, and JACE STERNBERGER! +4
2/24/25- It’s been a short bit but today I welcomed a TTM from LOUIS LIPPS and a certified of MANTI TE’O! +5
2/27/25- Big TED WASHINGTON signed TTM today! +3
3/1/25- What a way to kick off March, with a return from 2017 of MATT BAHR, clocking in at a bit over 7 years! +3
3/3/25- VINSON SMITH signs TTM! +3
3/4/25- Ebay finds in MONTE GILBREATH, FALANDA NEWTON, and TONY WOODS (DL-CHI) for the WLAF 150 set! +3
3/5/25- Killer day as I pulled off a trade sending another black card to a friend of mine in exchange for DARIUS VICTOR and a duo signature of JORDAN TA’AMU and ABRAM SMITH! +3
3/6/25- Got MARQUES COLSTON’s certified autograph TTM today! +1
3/7/25- Combined another UFL set and received a JONATHAN ADAMS autographed printing plate! +1
3/11/25- At long last after avoiding me (possibly) for years, I purchased a TODD HAMMEL autograph and completed the Pro Set 1991 Series II World League Subset. +1
3/12/25- A nice twofer with Falcons DB BOBBY BUTLER and Packers FB DARRELL THOMPSON responding TTM! +9
3/13/25- BRIAN BLADOS signed TTM today and wrote me a nice note! +2
3/15/25- It’s been a blessed month with another TTM coming through from the beginning of the year in JOHN GESEK! +2
3/17/25- Another long wait as CURTIS DUNCAN signed in 1,658 days or 4 1/2 years. +1
3/20/25- PAT HADEN signed TTM today! +3
3/21/25- Just feeling blessed this month with another response, this time from DARREN PERRY on two set needs! +2
3/22/25- Absolutely killer day at the Brahmas meet and greet today in SA. In attendance were KELLEN MOND, TAVANTE BECKETT, CAEVEON PATTON, and GREG WARD JR! +19
3/24/25- It’s been a wildly successful month for autographs, and the latest player to sign was former Chief LLOYD BURRUSS! +1