A few set needs popped up of the Albino Rhino and I figured I’d shoot these out after last getting his autograph a bit over 10 years ago. I remember fondly riding in the car away from Capital Plaza in North Austin, with my Karl Mecklenburg Starting Lineup figurine. Side note- for some reason ‘Albino Rhino’ triggered a massive traffic spike on this website a few years ago.
On 20 targets, he’d catch 13 passes for 129 yards.
His best game came against the Apollos in Week 5, when he caught 5 passes for 36 yards.
Topps did a really good job with this set. Lots of interesting names in here. Based on how the card companies were really swarming the rookie market in 2011, it was surprising that nobody- even Sage- had a card on Palmer, until this card came out in 2019.
Chryst saw a mixture of college and CFL positional stops added to his resume highlighted with stops in Ottawa (1994), Saskatchewan (1996), Chargers (1999-’01) .
Named head coach at Pitt in 2012, after rising up the coaching staff at his Alma Mater Wisconsin.
In 2015, he returned to Wisconsin as head coach, and led the team to 6 bowl wins (7 appearances), and ranked after 4 of those seasons.
Fired during the 2022 campaign after the Badgers got off to a 2-3 start.
Compiled a 67-26 record at Wisconsin.
Big 10 Coach of The Year 2016, ’17
Paul Chryst is a member of the Mike Riley tree. He’s crossed back over into Mike’s sphere of influence a few times with the Riders and then later at Oregon St. He signed this card for me only shortly before he was let go. Paul’s not a sexy name, but I think he’d make a fine coach at another major program, or perhaps in the XFL23 or ‘new’ USFL.
Celebrating the game, the players, the cards, and the autographs for over 25 years.